FIFA SEC GEN: FIFA Appoint Fatma Samba Diouff Samoura of Senegal as FIFA SEC. GEN.

The FIFA Council on Friday appointed Senegalese Fatma Samba Diouf Samoura as the Secretary General of the Football Governing Body. Ms Samoura is a 21 year veteran of United Nations Programmes who is currently the UN’s Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Nigeria.

The announcement was made by FIFA President Gianni Infantino at the 66th FIFA Congress being held in Mexico City, Mexico. As a requirement of FIFA Ms Samoura will undergo an eligibility check administered by the Independent Review Committee as per Article 37 of the FIFA Statutes. Ms Samoura is expected to assume the role of FIFA Sec Gen before mid-June.

Infantino praised Ms Samoura’s Integrity and said the council was particularly impressed with her operational experience, as well as her expertise in governance and working in multi-cultural environments. He also added that her expertise will complement the long-standing and deep knowledge of world football within the FIFA leadership team and Administration.

Since starting her UN Career as a senior logistics officer with the World Food Programme in Rome in 1995, Ms Samoura has served as country representative or director in six countries; Djibouti, Cameroon, Chad, Guinea, Madagascar and Nigeria. She speaks fluent English, French, Spanish and Italian. 

<Information Courtesy of The FIFA Official Website.>


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