
Showing posts from 2019


When I think of special players I think of a particular club in Italy that its players seem to never want to leave. A team that was founded back in 1927 and wears wine and Gold, a team with a Logo so unique, a she-wolf suckling two twins Romulus and Remus – this is a myth of the founding of Rome.   The team is known as Giallorossi, red and Yellow, but more popular by the name AS Roma. Former captain and all-time scorer of the Rome based club, Francesco Totti denied Real Madrid when he was at the prime of his career, preferring to stay with his childhood team and giving the world a famous quote in 2006: “They taught us in school that family is the most Important thing for a human. Roma is my Family, have you ever heard of someone who left his poor parents to live with rich strangers.”   Enough about this great man for now soon I will write it all down for you. But you get the Roma spirit. The man I speak about in this piece is one who wears his heart on his sleeve and


FOOTBALL HAS GONE MAD: I don’t really mean this in a negative connotation I mean it in the best way possible. I have over the past 7 years witnessed the game go absolutely berserk. Crazy transfer fees, crazy T.V. money for the Premier League, crazy score lines, crazy transfers and crazy salaries for players. Ok before you rubbish my thoughts let us go through a couple of things to defend my thesis: CHELSEA FC Of course yes I am a Chelsea fan so I shall start with a little something about my team and believe me that 2011/12 UEFA Champions league campaign was bizarre. It all started with the 3-1 loss to Napoli in Naples before Chelsea launched a comeback and won the game 4-1 with goals from Didier Drogba, John Terry, Frank Lampard and Branislav Ivanovic. Then yet another mountain arose for the men in blue. Chelsea would then go on and beat Benfica and book a date with a Barcelona side at some point looked like they were unbeatable. How Chelsea managed to win 1-nil at Stamfor